Sunday, July 29, 2007

the middle east issue

what's right: abcnews reports that a multi-b$ us-saudi deal is in the works.

what's wrong: i'm not sure. the us foreign policy posture continues to pimp sunni and shia against one another. this guy still breathes? for shit's sake, take your medicine already. georgia, get off your ass and murder this murderer.

what's left: i bought a sidekick III for my daughter today...i don't think i'll see her until she drops off the kids on her way to work after she graduates college.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

T-Shirts, and an Oakie

what's right: after 20+ years of knowing that buying a tee for anything other than preserving a $100 suit shirt is a complete waste of time and money, i came across the antidote to that truism.

what's wrong: i hate so much it is one of five sites that make up my firefox home tabs. here's another reason to give the big ? to the hype-everything take on this news organization. gmafb.

what's left: if you don't watch, don't like or don't care about bill moyers, here's your chance to listen to a sobering exchange about the us involvement in iraq.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Common law, email and frustration

what's right:
...and far right(or left, however you choose to view it) is this gem from the cradle of our civil rights, English common law:
the more right i search, the more left i find...

what's wrong:
from an email...
Subject: West Texas Report-12 July 2007
Thursday - July 12, 2007
Hello once again from the West Texas Coalition Of The Global Community Of Diversity. I guess that should be politically correct enough to suit just about every liberal on the planet.
Earlier today and all this week for that matter I have listened to our members of both Houses of Congress whine and gripe about the fact that the Iraqi Government has not "Met Their Benchmarks". OK. With that in mind I would like all of us to take a close look at our very own Senate and House of Representatives. While our country is at war and has members of our Military fighting on several different fronts, shouldn't our very own government perhaps set a "Benchmark" for themselves? Or better still shouldn't we as taxpaying voters set "Benchmarks" for our own Senate and House? I just wonder if anyone other than us noticed that our very own Senate wasted valuable time messing arou nd with a really worthless piece of legislation which they called the "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" bill? This bill was going nowhere with the American people yet our Senate wasted several weeks pushing for a piece of legislation which a clear majority of Americans were against.
OK. Let's look at the House of Representatives. They have obviously wasted a bunch of time and I suppose have passed HR 2640 which by any other name is another attempt at eroding our Second Amendment rights. And once again they gave this trash a name which looks good in print; The NICS Improvement Act. Ah but wait, I almost forgot. Some committee in the house, which I believe is chaired by John Conyers Jr. (D - MICH), is still holding hearings and calling witnesses regarding the "Outing" of Valerie Plame to the media. Hello! Representative Conyers Jr. I believe we all know that her name was released to the media by Richard Armitage. Oh, and one other side note; WHO CARES?
Also it appears that there are a number of Republican Senators who up until this time have supported the President's position regarding the war in Iraq. But now with re-election drawing closer they are jumping ship. It has absolutely nothing to do with right and wrong. It has everything to do with votes, just like that idiotic failed immigration bill. When I lived in New Mexico I completely supported Senato r Pete Dominici but it turns out that when the going gets a little tough, Senator Pete Dominici's sporting blood turns to horse urine. Oh! That's right, Senator Dominici has to run again doesn't he? I have lived in San Angelo, Texas for just under four years, Every couple of months I get a letter from Senator Pete Dominici's staff putting the touch on me for some cash. Hey Pete! When pigs fly!
I think that the best move for the American voters is to set some "Benchmarks" for our own government and when they don't measure up. DUMP 'EM!
It is a sad thing to see that we have liberals in our country who cannot afford to see our country bring the Iraq war to successful conclusion. Why? If we are successful in Iraq then that means that just perhaps President Bush was right and the liberals were, dare I say it, WRONG. It does not take a rocket scientist to see that when things go bad in Iraq the liberals/socialists gain power. But, maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel. The only thing lower than President Bush's approval ratings are the approval ratings of Congress. And the only thing lower than that is an elected official or a news organization who actually would like to see us lose in Iraq.
OK. Let's move on to something which should make most of us feel pretty good. That would be the "Earth Day Celebration". Now I know that most of you will be surprised to find out that I did NOT attend the celebration. Nor did I watch it on television. I believe that this crap was broadcast by NBC and had a lower viewing audience than the CBS Evening News with Katy Couric. I believe that the only people who watched it were members of "Code Pink" and perhaps Rosie O'Donnell. I did catch a few glimpses on some newscasts and also heard some sound clips on evil talk radio. You see, I have a really hard time taking fat ass Al Gore seriously.
I also have trouble taking John Edwards seriously. Here is a guy with enough money to set fire to a wet elephant and he constructs a multi million dollar, 30,000 square foot house and then he tells us that he is out to fight for the poor. Damn, even the Democrats aren't buying that crap.
I was saddened to hear that Michael Moore's latest film epic has met with bad reviews. I mean after all, you can just look at Michael Moore and tell that he is right on top of health care issues. In his film, it is said, that he is trying to get across the idea that the health care system in Cuba is superior to ours. Perhaps he was referring to the health care at Guantanamo. That is still in Cuba, right?
Did all of you notice that throughout the world, Muslim News Sources back up their terrorist turds way better than our news media backs up our brave men and women in the U.S. Military? I do know that one of the next big moves in our liberal/socialist controlled Senate and House will be for the re-installation of the "Fairness Doctrine". They have already pretty well eroded the First Amendment so I am sure that they think this might be an easy task. In the past month, I have written and called and e-mailed my U.S. Senators and Congressman as well as the President and other key members of Congress more than at any other time in my life. I am pretty sure after some of my letters and conversations that their respective staffs probably believe that I have the disposition of an in-bred pit bull. And maybe I do. Maybe it is about time for all of us to pull out the stops and DEMAND GOOD, HONEST GOVERNMENT.
I heard this morning that there have been seven deaths in the annual "Running Of The Bulls" in Pamplona, Spain. OK. Let's examine this phenomenon. You get a bunch of idiots together and get them at least half drunk. Then you put them out in a narrow street. Then you turn out the bulls BEHIND the crowd and then you wonder why people are killed in this little event. Anyway, shouldn't it be called the "Running FROM The Bulls"?
Or you could have a similar event in France and call it "Running From The Enemy".
I believe that "The People's Republic of San Francisco" is planning a somewhat similar festival. It is called the "Running Of The Marmosets".
Hey! How about this. Hollywood Madam, Heidi Fleiss is planning on opening up a "Stud Farm" in Nevada. She is awaiting the state licensing commission. She was on one of the FOX News programs this week and I had never paused to think of a possible reason why Heidi Fleiss was a Madam. Then it occurred to me, She's too damn ugly to make it as a hooker. She looks like she just went 12 rounds with "Smokin' Joe Frazier". I'm serious when you look at her real close she looks like she could bite the bumper off a Mack truck.
I also wondered just how large of an aircraft it would take to fly Al Gore, Michael Moore, and Fat Teddy all at one time? Inquiring minds want to know.
Some of you will notice that this week neither John McCain nor Lindsey Graham made our "Turd Of The Week" list. The reasons should be obvious. They are both still behind our troops. That overcomes a whole lot of stupid stuff.
Isn't it funny that just as the Troop Surge is finally at full strength and has the appearance of actually making some progress, certain Republican Senators/Congressmen are starting to bail out. I thought that General Petraeus had until September to show some progress. Surely these elected wimps are not letting their re-election control their thinking, are they? Again folks, these people have not met our "Benchmarks" and we need to look at some new faces.
MEN'S DIVISION: "Fat Teddy"; Michael Moore; Al Gore; Rep. John Conyers Jr.; John Edwards; Barack Hussein Obama; Sen. Chuck Schumer; Sen. Pete Dominici (R-NM); Sen. Chuck Hagel; Sen. Richard Lugar; that's enough for this week.
WOMEN'S DIVISION: Nancy Pelosi; Barbara Boxer; Diane Feinstein; Olympia Snowe; Cindy Sheehan; Sheila Jackson Lee; Rosie O'Donnell
Hey how about Cindy Sheehan threatening to run against Nancy Pelosi unless that bug eyed heifer starts impeachment proceedings against President Bush. Boy what a choice for the folks in "The Freedom Loving Worker's Republic" of San Francisco.
"Good times and hard work go together. But hard work comes first.".......................................... BUM PHILLIPS - Head Coach Houston Oilers
Once when asked what would happen if a certain political opponent were to die? The reply was: "Embalm, cremate and bury. Take no chances."....... WINSTON CHURCHILL
"When the eagles are silent, the parrots begin to jabber."..... WINSTON CHURCHILL
In spite of the idiot liberals and an idiotic media, let us completely support our brave Military men and women. Let us remember them daily in our prayers. Please continue to pray for Jeffrey Knott, USMC and his entire family.
Well I have to rush as there is a "Save The Rattlesnake" meeting. I am sorry to report that another rattlesnake has met his doom in the alley in the back of my house. He was the victim of a set of 735 X 16's. Doesn't look like that damn roadrunner is doing his job very well to me.
See ya next week.

what's left:
blogger dot com gets a great big "fuck you" for formatting convention hell. one post, three distinct way to unify styles/typeface save for ... ahh, wtf...blogger is f-r-e-e, and it sure beats the hell out of my gonzo election attempt to win a state-wide office.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Not original

what's right: this guy gets to meet his maker...tomorrow

what's wrong: ...roasted-corn vichyssoise; beef with roasted beet juice...
leeks, onions, potatoes, cream is a standard -- no fucking roasted goddamned corn is evident in the classic dish
beef in a roasted beet juice sounds like un-wiped ass
america's infatuation with the surreal gourmet reminds me of a truism: it's art if i say it's art. well, i say it ain't gourmet. take your salmon mousse and your fuck-shit art and do with it what you want, just don't ask me to get impressed

what's left: anthony bourdain's free book, the nasty bits (links to NPR). i sent a link to my sister for a free book a year ago, it was mailed to her sans carte credit, she retrieved it from the mail box, and then gave it to me. good read. nothing to phone home about, but great for a free read. thank you, mr. b.