Thursday, January 29, 2009


what's right: ditch the flag pin. it is a vile representation of mob begs the question.

what's wrong: "hope" and "change" uses "they" big O, quit it! hope and change banished "they" "they" is now "we" stop it now, or you wind up worse than bush the younger. s-t-o-p n-o-w!!!

what's left: my current income is posted as an open records request. that will change. soon.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

what's right:
Sent: Wed Jan 28 09:35:10 2009
Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: Workers Comp Injury
I will be out of the office at a meeting from 7:45 - 9:30 a.m.. on 01/28/09.

what's wrong:
If you need assistance, you may contact me on my Blackberry at 42*-****.

what's left:

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

There is no O in Heroes

what's right: the messiah hates the heroes

what's wrong: 68 degrees at 1300h --- 42 degrees at 1330h

what's left: the new "fsc" cigarettes have given me new hope to get the monkey off my back once a for all.

Monday, January 26, 2009

It's only scary if you actually read it...

what's right: geithner does not get a pass, although he passes senate muster

what's wrong: blago-mania made an explicit entrance in the '09 economic stimulus package (aka the american recovery and reinvestment act)
[a worthy PDF download]

what's left: hundreds of millions are like so many benjamins in my wallet. omfg!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 1

what's right: sean hannity laying the blame of failed 'greed is good' policies on bho.

what's wrong: more of the 'bama girls. stop, already. all of you.

what's left: kieth O...pursue the chief without regard to polity.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Generation O

what's right: chief justice roberts fucking up the oath

what's wrong: a portion of the crowd, upon the arrival of gw, chanting, "nah nah nah nah, hey hey hey, go ood bye"

what's left: four years.