Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Two Vine Dunks

The vine i posted last night made the ESPN top 10. No. Not my vine. The dudonkadunk!

Amazing dunk.

But why didn't this dudonkadunk make news?

Really amazing dunk.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Questions I'd Ask Dr. Tyson about "The Walking Dead"

[would really dig answers based on the insane ratio of zombies:humans at far in excess of 1000:1, or another factor+]

1. How often would one have to cull a zombie flock before a zombie tipping point?

2. At what rate would uninfected humans have to reproduce before a human tipping point?

3. If we live in an ultimate multiverse, how great is the probability that zombies exist? Is 1 an acceptable answer? [i'd like to think no.]

Thursday, March 7, 2013

moar videos

What's right: @SenRandPaul forced the Attorney General of the United States to release this terse letter. I am nowhere near a fan of Rand Paul. IMHO, he's a fucking kook. But he got the executive branch to give an unequivocal answer to the drone question. It is better to be among the company of thousands of fleas biting an armed man, than confront him alone, naked and defenseless.

What's wrong: The traditional filibuster is still dead.

What's left:This R.E.M video was shot in San Antonio: the best little big city in the US.