Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Facile Argument

but let that precious life get SNAP or TANF and watch the fuck out for "moocher" labels from said-same.

there's not a single day in my life that weighs on me more than our collective decision in 1984 to abort an unintended pregnancy (while using active birth control). i am not conflicted by our decision; we made the best choice available to us. it is a burden i bear every. single. day.

but i have no regrets. just as i have no regrets in launching explosive laden aircraft to kill people my government deemed deserving of death.

who are these people that claim the inviolability of a precious human fetus, who condone, nay, encourage war? who deny due process? who ape the constitution? your friendly, staunch anti-abortion, pro-gun, states' rights, black helicopter white people, both young and old.

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