Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Barack's War on

What's right: We're happy enough to spend half a trillion dollars (off the books) to save a country that didn't need saving'.
What's left: One question for all you frustrated Sean/Rush/Cheney worshipers: "Where were your 'don't tax me bro'' plaints in the last six years? [i give gw/congress a pass for the immediate years following 9/11...spend it like you own the press]
What's wrong: Some of us are reticent when it comes to spending $3-4 trillion to save our own country. I am not one of "us".

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

mafia wars

what's right: hitchens pisses me off as much as i feel he pisses on me. but he has, consistently, hit bulls eye on this subject.

what's wrong: google "swine flu pandemic 2009" in 2010. although the 24/7 demand for news is insatiable, the coverage on this subject is wrong-headed. i can only imagine the headlines if creation science was the academic fancy of the day: "Jon Stewart Chronicles the Final 100 Days!"

what's left: i'm tired of shit like this. it is safe to assume that he's tired of shit like this.

Monday, February 9, 2009

two from the times

what's right: i can understand the drag of having to live on half a mil a year after years of bringing home multiple millions. but i just can't muster a tear.
r u fucking kidding me?

what's wrong: it looks like the roman catholic church has finally come full circle ... i guess the megavangelists are taking too much change out of the parish basket.
r u fucking kidding me?

what's left: when i get frustrated, i go to my happy place. i used to live 30 yards from this very view.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

r-a-n-d-o-m s-h-i-t-e

what's right: folks who know me, know that i love cooking. i don't slave in the kitchen, but i admire a texan adrift in manhattan.

what's wrong: nothing new, for sure. but worth reading one pdf at a time when time permits. Combatant Status Review Tribunal (CSRT) and Administrative Review Board (ARB) Documents Released March 3, April 3, and April 19, 2006

what's left: whack off while you work. why would one seek on-line advice about this problem? hr doesn't want to tackle the problem? take it into your own hands.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Drive the fucking bus!

what's right: how is it that these folks can't file a proper tax return?

what's wrong: three people, well-educated, out of 350+ million and they all have shitty accountants?

what's left: disappointment. if this was a mccain administration, i can't imagine what the headlines would read.

last thought: barack: the campaign is over. get your shit together. get your poop in a group. get your ass on the bus. quit being a fucking pussy. be the buddha. quit fucking off. stop with the distractions. policy by committee is not now working--put it on the shelf and ASSERT yourself.

final comment: kill the 'maybe we can.' get back to the 'yes we will.' it's you, barack. it's not the house or senate. the longer you let the house and senate obfuscate your vision, the more likely we will associate their selfish demands with your stamp of approval.
in less than 30 days you have sapped my faith -- in you and your policies. you offer for hire people smart enough to pay taxes, yet didn't pay taxes until illuminated under the klieg lights of the white house selection process. shame on you. double shame on you. triple fucking shame on you.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


what's right: ditch the flag pin. it is a vile representation of mob begs the question.

what's wrong: "hope" and "change" uses "they" big O, quit it! hope and change banished "they" "they" is now "we" stop it now, or you wind up worse than bush the younger. s-t-o-p n-o-w!!!

what's left: my current income is posted as an open records request. that will change. soon.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

what's right:
Sent: Wed Jan 28 09:35:10 2009
Subject: Out of Office AutoReply: Workers Comp Injury
I will be out of the office at a meeting from 7:45 - 9:30 a.m.. on 01/28/09.

what's wrong:
If you need assistance, you may contact me on my Blackberry at 42*-****.

what's left:

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

There is no O in Heroes

what's right: the messiah hates the heroes

what's wrong: 68 degrees at 1300h --- 42 degrees at 1330h

what's left: the new "fsc" cigarettes have given me new hope to get the monkey off my back once a for all.

Monday, January 26, 2009

It's only scary if you actually read it...

what's right: geithner does not get a pass, although he passes senate muster

what's wrong: blago-mania made an explicit entrance in the '09 economic stimulus package (aka the american recovery and reinvestment act)
[a worthy PDF download]

what's left: hundreds of millions are like so many benjamins in my wallet. omfg!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 1

what's right: sean hannity laying the blame of failed 'greed is good' policies on bho.

what's wrong: more of the 'bama girls. stop, already. all of you.

what's left: kieth O...pursue the chief without regard to polity.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Generation O

what's right: chief justice roberts fucking up the oath

what's wrong: a portion of the crowd, upon the arrival of gw, chanting, "nah nah nah nah, hey hey hey, go ood bye"

what's left: four years.