Wednesday, February 26, 2014


That is all.

Monday, February 24, 2014

You Can't Defend the Indefensible

This is the Republican Party of Nixon; it is not the party of Lincoln or Roosevelt.  You are caricatures of freedom and equality. You pray at the altar of fear and shame.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Favorite pictures of my daughter (and, occasionally, me)

socal. perfect.


travis park

"jesus, dad!"

we're hangin' a swing.

band camp

the amazing hill country.

more hill country.

san diego zoo.

orange ave, coronado, ca.

Friday, February 21, 2014

The Golden Years

@LuminariaSA had an amazing curation period, followed by years of  "constrained" or "insipid" curation. make it right; relocate to houston st and alamo plaza. for the love of everything that is good in this little city.

The first luminaria

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Austin Daye

you're a spur now. upgrade that profile.


Six month's away from my 50th...

...this is what I read. Oy!

When To Start Receiving Retirement Benefits

Hey! Go Fuck Yourself!

don't make apologies for people with whom you don't share blood.

james franco apologizes for shia labeouf via @NYTimes

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Obama - Roosevelt Comparisons

comparing barack to teedy? nope. today is a whole new level of partisanship not seen since 1861.

Crazy with a K

...and the SA-NB MSA comes in at a whopping 36th. How about we put that "7th largest city in the US" shit to bed. There is nothing wrong with being a quaint working-folk city.

apparently culled from data here:

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

We've Already Had Our Civil War. We Don't Have the Balls for a Second One.

looking at you, progressives.

no matter your political persuasion, 'murica settled this 151 years ago. without 1/10th the intricacies of straddling two colliding continental shifts.

Goats playing king of the hill

worth your time...

Sunday, February 16, 2014

I love you, Texas

but this whole white, republican, misguided focus on everything that is *not* relevant is telling

Never Mind the 45%

that take home 33% less in real wages than those of a less than comfortable median income household.

There's a Corn Field

where James Bowie was born.

Perfectly Nice People Say Shit Like This

The America that exposes itself on twitter. Every. Fucking. Hour. Of. The. Day.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

"Never had a meal there, but the food's horrible..."

mostly hyperbole?

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Attention millennials! You could be the wisest generation about money.

via @moorehn

my daughter is frugal in most ways, yet a spendthrift in decidedly peculiar ways.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Prepare for "Mind Blown!'

A cousin to WindMap?