Monday, July 16, 2007

Not original

what's right: this guy gets to meet his maker...tomorrow

what's wrong: ...roasted-corn vichyssoise; beef with roasted beet juice...
leeks, onions, potatoes, cream is a standard -- no fucking roasted goddamned corn is evident in the classic dish
beef in a roasted beet juice sounds like un-wiped ass
america's infatuation with the surreal gourmet reminds me of a truism: it's art if i say it's art. well, i say it ain't gourmet. take your salmon mousse and your fuck-shit art and do with it what you want, just don't ask me to get impressed

what's left: anthony bourdain's free book, the nasty bits (links to NPR). i sent a link to my sister for a free book a year ago, it was mailed to her sans carte credit, she retrieved it from the mail box, and then gave it to me. good read. nothing to phone home about, but great for a free read. thank you, mr. b.

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